Chris Peace founded Risk Management Ltd in 2003

The original business plan was to provide evidence-based advice to clients about the management of risk

And that’s what the company did until in stopped trading 18 years later in March 2021. Now Chris is a lecturer at Victoria University of Wellington where some of his research includes real-world problems funded by consultancy fees.

This website showcases some past assignments and will grow to include papers that can be downloaded free of charge.

The Risk Management Ltd logo is still up there for sentimental reasons.


What are risk and risk management?

We like the definition of risk in the international standard ISO31000 Risk management – guidelines. It defines risk as the "effect of uncertainty on objectives". First published in 2009, the definition has moved thinking away from vague notions of risk to a focus on uncertainty about achieving objectives.

Managing risk therefore requires that managers in organisations know what their objectives are. It is not uncommon to find there are aspirations or visions but no clear ideas of how those translate into objectives.

Once the objectives of an organisation are defined we can help clients understand where there is uncertainty about achieving those objectives.

The nature of Chris’ work has recently moved to an academic focus on occupational health and safety but he still carries out wider consultancy projects through Victoria University of Wellington.

And (regardless of the nature of risk), still helps businesses to understand what their objectives are and the uncertainties about achieving them.


What do we do

Chis helps organisations to manage risk (the "effect of uncertainty on objectives") more effectively.

If Chris can’t help he may be able to suggest someone who can.

Why do we do it

Chris enjoys finding the evidence for and against how risk – uncertainty – can be more effectively managed and then helping businesses to make necessary changes.

What we don’t do

Chris doesn’t advise on financial risk.